A Simple Guide to Understanding Balance Problems


According to studies, about 33 million American adults have problems with balance or dizziness. Everyone may have experienced dizziness at some point, but it could mean different things for different people. Let’s have a deeper understanding of balance problems below. 

  • What is a balance problem/disorder?
    Do you feel unsteady or spinning when standing, sitting, or lying down? One person may feel a fleeting feeling of faintness, but for another, it could be a feeling of extreme spinning (vertigo) that lasts a long time. Whatever type of dizziness you may be experiencing, you must visit a neurologist in Spring Lake, North Carolina and get checked!
  • What are its common symptoms?
    Experiencing balance problems is associated with these common symptoms below:
    • Feeling as if you’re falling
    • Staggering when you try to walk
    • Lightheadedness or a floating sensation
    • Blurry vision
    • Confusion or disorientation

neuropathy assessment in Rockfish, North Carolina,can help you understand the underlying cause of these symptoms. Don’t wait before it’s too late! Find out about the cause of your dizziness as soon as possible.

  • What should I do if I have a balance disorder?
    It’s fundamental to consult an expert when you feel like you’re having a balance issue. Your doctor will determine its underlying cause and may recommend an EEG testing in Eastover, North Carolina. Cooperate with your physician and inform them about your symptoms, medications, medical issues, and more. 

Discover neurodiagnostic and therapeutic solutions here at LifeWorks Neurodiagnostic Center! We offer neurogenX services in Fayetteville, North Carolina, tailored to meet your neurological needs. As a diagnostic and treatment center, we cater to individuals, specifically to the needs of patients with chronic neurologic conditions. Contact us today for more information about our services.

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